Friday, September 28, 2007

Buy more shorts: Rice says nations must fight climate change like terrorism

I found this "joke" on Jihad Watch. I like the hybridization of left wing anger at the government's inability to do anything about what they think to be critical issue of our time, and right wing anger at the government's incompetence at what they take to be the critical issue of our time. One thing we can all agree on: The current administration blows.
Here is the joke:

So says the Secretary of State in "Nations must fight climate change like terrorism, Rice says," from CNN. Let's see, that will mean:

1.) Being afraid to name the activities and people who are part of the problem.

2.) Insisting that only a tiny minority of vehicles on the road are belching greenhouse gases. Make no effort to verify for fear of offending motorists and car companies.

3.) Continuing to aid parties who pay lip service to helping, but do either nothing, or as little as possible in order to keep up appearances.

End Joke.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you've got a bone to pick. Personally, I find that terrorism is doing a great job of fighting climate change.


12:34 AM  

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