Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It is easier to link movies than to write

I've had many discussions about why I don't really care about the music scene. Now that I'm getting old this hasn't been a problem of late. People tend to recognize their hobbies as just that, and people seem to acknowledge that one might have other things to do with their time than worry about the new flavor of the week. I also tend to like the music that my friends make. I don't hate musicians.
So I am not raging against the scene anymore.
I thought however I would still share this. Here is irrefutabe proof that the recent years of "nerd rock" was a lie: When real nerds (not the losers that can't do math but affect the mannerisms of nerds) make Rock n Roll, it doesn't sound sensitive, pretty or even heartfelt. It sounds angry, confused and disturbed. This is what is missing from all the "smart" bands that people recommend to me. This is what is sounds like when DEVO cries:

And this is maybe the greatest music video ever made. Rock concerts are creepy. Devo shows us how creepy:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the first clip has perhaps the best guitar solo face ever recorded; it actually looks like the guitar is playing him.

10:56 AM  

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