Saturday, August 13, 2005

Freedom Eggs! On your chin!

I hope that one day, a scientist will implant the fertilized eggs of endangered species in the wombs of various human women. It would be great. Every political jerk would be confused. Conservatives love killing endangered animals but-at the same time- they hate abortion. Liberals love abortion, but hate killing endangered animals. What to do? Can an environmentalist tell a woman what to do with her body? Do we protect the sanctity of life if it’s a bald eagle egg? In the womb of a human woman? Man o man it’s quite the conundrum.

No, really it's not. I mean, there are plenty of consistent positions to take, but you can imagine the political cheap shots aimed at candidates who take sides:

Senator Firm Love permits abortion in the case of human babies but thinks it should be outlawed to protect ANIMALS! Is Senator Firm Love INSANE!

Senator Steel is pro-life, except when that life is the symbol of AMERICA! If the human fetus is a human life, why isn’t the EAGLE of FREEDOM's FETUS a life? Why isn’t it entitled to the full legal protection of the endangered species act? Does Senator Steel hate FREEDOM?

Man those are stupid arguments. But we have all heard something equally stupid:

Senator Tuff Heart claims to be pro-life, yet thinks the state should be allowed to MURDER full grown adults!

And the opposite:
Senator Courage works hard to protect CRIMINALS but supports the MURDER of innocent BABIES!

This is the sort of intellectual honesty found in political discourse: Professor Passion BUYS moldy milk (cheese) yet THROWS AWAY moldy milk (old milk, old cheese). He is INSANE!

But this is the sort of intellectual honesty found in my papers:
1) P
2) P->Q
C) P (From 1)


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