Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The endless return

Today marked the end of my break from education. Thats right. The Professor once again sits among the students, hiding the glory of his great wisdom. Like a beautiful swan I shall rise up and defend my sweet knowledge against my unseen enemies, both real and imagined. SQUAAAAK! TWEEEEET! HOOOONK!


Blogger Josh Krauter said...

Finally, the passion has returned. Sixteen days without a passionate update? I was about to call your mother to inquire about your safety. I'm glad you are safe, dear friend. Never stay away so long again, goddammit! You jerk! What a colossal asshole! Fuckface!

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of returns, my class today didn't know Public Enemy was black. Prompting me to have to say "Public Enemy is black" just as one of my colleagues walked into my class. He then turned, loud exclaiming, "Did you really just say that Public Enemy is black?" Yes, ladies and gentleman, I just had to explain that Public Enemy is black.

9:18 PM  
Blogger Josh Krauter said...

I just found out that George W. Bush was white. What the fuck?

10:29 PM  
Blogger Old Stallion said...

Well actually, Public Enemy is a fictitious corporate entity. It's basic members are black, but the group has no ethnicity.

Thats right. I'm an ass-hole.

11:17 PM  
Blogger casual ninja said...

i posted a photo on my blog for you. it makes a good point.

4:24 PM  

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