Thursday, February 01, 2007

The only place for your passion fix!

Friends! Warriors! Ladies. mmm hmm. The Ladies.
I have been receiving requests for internet friendship.
"My Space" friendship. "Facebook" friendship.

It ain't happening suckers. No disrespect. Those accounts are just decoys. They are metaphorical "feints" in my very real boxing match with the internet reality. Don't be fooled by the sham profiles. This is where you can find the heart rending emotion, the inadequate conceptions of particulars, and weekly updates about the on-goings of Duck Island that you crave.
Look no further.

Here is morsel of passionate goodness:

Yesterday, as I rode to the Wholefoods, I inadvertently became a participant in operation "Escape from Duck Island". Normally the duck/swan/goose/turtle population stays within the confines of Duck Island. There, they look peaceful and majestic. There, they bring peace to the raging inferno burning within this young buck invincible. But, yesterday, Duck Island couldn't hold them. Ducks, Geese, and Swans stormed the bike path and the picnic grounds. Grass was pecked at. Trees were squawked at. Shit went down.
The park of tranquility became an orgy of avian dominance. No bagpipes on this fine day. Just the terrifying honking of a birddom yearning to be free.


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