Tuesday, August 02, 2005


If cheese is moldy milk, what in god's name is moldy cheese? I'm an ordinary man who occasionally buys cheese with the intention of consuming it. Yet often, I find that the cheese I purchased becomes moldy before I can eat it. What the hell? How does this happen? Why doesn't the cheese just grow more cheese? Or become more cheesy? I wish I could buy the cheese that becomes blue cheese before it becomes blue cheese. That way I could eat it, and as it rots in my fridge it would actually become tastier. Instead of losing my valuable cheese, my cheese would become more valuable! It's a pyramid scheme of value and the only loser is god!


Blogger Josh Krauter said...

I am vexed by this, as well as by mushrooms. How can mushrooms go bad? A mushroom is a fungus. Shouldn't it get tastier? The world of food is a cruel, pointless, delicious world.

11:28 PM  

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