Sunday, May 01, 2005

I Remember Clampy

Oh green friend!
So fresh and new
Your Clampers sharp
You glistened with dew!

I found you swaying
Playing the stick
You perched on a garbage lid
The smell made me sick

You lusted for flies!
and ate all but the wings
Oh, in my heart dear Clampy
Your memory still sings!

You rocked to and fro'
You prayed to your god
But when winter a'came
you were stiff as a rod

Up now in heaven
are you still catching flies?
Crushing their souls
with your beefy bug thighs?

Or maybe in hell,
you finally found heat
to help you go hunt
and eat insect meat

But in truth I think
you are simply just dead
exoskeleton empty
no thoughts in your head

I miss you sweet prince
lord of the flies
you ate your fill
but everything dies


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