Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Oak Street Cafe

I switched coffee houses a few weeks ago. The place I go to now is more an old school cafe than a coffee house. They're open from 6 to 6 and serve donuts, po-boys, eggs, and coffee. Its a great place. They have swing music on the stereo, and its a sunny and well lit. Today some dude played on a piano and sang New Orleans standards. Its got a multi ethnic, and multi-class sort of feel, and I think that confuses the employees. The customers are often black, arabic, or white construction guys. The customers are also often professional men and women. The customers however, are rarely hip kids. The employees are. The hip girl today at the counter had her rainbow colored hair dye job questioned by a business man. He told her he thought it was great that she dyed her hair like that for Mardi Gras. She replied that she always has it like that. He told her that she can't be serious. She insisted that she was:

Business guy: Why? nobody will take you seriously looking like that.
Coffee girl: I don't care I like it.
Business guy: It's not really flattering, I mean, why would you do that? It could only hurt your prospects.
Coffee girl: Well I like it.
Business guy: alright, but uh, okay.....(he looked puzzled as he left.)

This exchange made me happy. The hip girl gets to hear that somebody thinks her individuality is stupid. It is. A business guy gets to to hear that his concerns (looking "good", getting prospects) don't necessarily matter. They don't.
Everybody walks away wiser.


Blogger Spacebeer said...

Coffee houses are on my "hate" list (like teeth whitening and Henry Rollins), but cafes I love.

6:49 AM  
Blogger Old Stallion said...

Your other two hates are self-explainatory, but you still haven't explained your hatred of teeth whitening.

9:01 AM  

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