Tuesday, April 18, 2006

2 Comedic Observations about Real life (Basketball)

The NBA playoffs are just around the corner. To whet your appetite I will offer two astute observations about the NBA.
My first observation is well known to anyone who casually follows the NBA.
Observation 1: Sam Cassell is the ugliest athelete in the world.
His picture supplies enough gags to make this observation "Comedic". It needs no funny caption to make me laugh.

Bonus Caption: ["My face is as ugly as my balls!"]

Next, I present an observation about the prevalence of headbands.
Observation 2: It is no longer noteworthy for a basketball player to wear a headband.
In my day only Dire Straits, Clifford Robinson and actors playing people engaged in aerobic activities wore headbands. Now all basketball players do. In this observation the comedy was supplied by my reference to a rock band, an old school baller who wore headbands in the nineties, and a trend portrayed in eighties sitcoms. The act of referral is very funny. The picture however is not funny. It supplies evidence for my observation as well as evidence of the love the Pistons players have for one another.


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