Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Will somebody tend mind to the children?

I spend my days teaching the children. Today my cover was blown. An old student of mine asked me why I chose to teach ethics. I told him I didn't choose nothing of the kind. My passion is clear and distinct ideas mother-fucker. My passion is the radical enlightenment. My passion is strong.

A student told me he liked my class but that he could tell I hated teaching it. He figured that from when I said, "God damn, I hate teaching this shit."

I forgot I said that. I mutter a lot of things to the chalkboard that the kids can hear.

Today I also spoke to a kid who is failing all of his classes. I gave him a terrible pep-talk. I was like, "Kid, I failed the shit out of a lot of school. I know you aren't dumb. You just ain't feelin' it. You got to find what you are feeling and then feel the shit out of it. Lion eats the deer, but in a way deer eats the lion."

Another kid (the kids were all up in my junk today...I got caught in the hall) asked me if we were going to read anything from Timbuktu. I said, "What?"
He said, "Timbuktu"
I said, "What?"
He said, "The malian city."
I said, "No, we read stuff written by authors, not cities."

This was the best response I could come up with. I have heard the word, "Timbuktu." I even read the phrase on my Civ4 video game. I know from this video game that it was an awesome city with a kick ass Berber culture. But that is all I know. I often think "Timbuktu and Tyler too" but I know that is a bunch of bullshit. Today I failed a student.


Blogger Josh Krauter said...

Bloomington, Indiana is my favorite writer.

8:20 PM  

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