Thursday, March 01, 2007

Poets don't know jack

I was so excited to find another poem dedicated to the S-dog I overlooked a pretty big oversight on Jorge Borges part.
Jorge writes:
"Time carries him as the river carries
A leaf in the downstream water.
No matter. The enchanted one insists
And shapes God with delicate geometry"

This is how people who don't really grasp determinism understand it. They think if universal causation is true, then they are like a leaf, carried by forces beyond their control. The image suggest a separation between the self, and causal necessity. A better metaphor would be an eddy in the river and the river. There is no eddy independent of the river. It is a mistake to even think about an eddy subject to the forces of a river--the eddy itself is a result of the river. It is not the self versus nature--there is only nature doing its thing.


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