Monday, October 10, 2005

Land of Robots

I saw something grand last night. Something GRAND! This guy must of had his voice box removed or something, because in order to speak he had to place what looked like an electric shaver to his throat! He enunciated passionately but the voice that emerged was a disinterested and calm robot. It was so cool. He gestures like he really means it, but all that comes out it is this quiet robot voice. I was so happy. What made me even happier is knowing that no matter how facinating it is to watch this guy speak, it is considered rude to laugh and clap at him. Holy shit, It was delightful!


Blogger Josh Krauter said...

I don't know how I'm going to follow Jessica Klarkson's wise words, but I'll take a crack at it. I mean, she said it all, right? Racism, bloggers, Moslems, road construction, interest free credit. She covered all the bases wisely. Anyway, here we go. There was a man in my hometown with the robot voice box when I was a little kid. I would have followed that man anywhere. Unfortunately, he died. Which made me question my whole existence. Robots can die? I mean, I know they can stop working, but can't they be repaired? At worst, couldn't his robotic throat be implanted in another elderly man? What conundrums plagued my disturbed young mind. I guess that's why they say when life gives you robot voice boxes, make robo-voice-box-ade.

12:19 PM  
Blogger acmcs said...

HI Dan. Anne McShane here. Corey sent me a link to your blog--it's fabulous. I'm happy to hear that your robot-lovin self is a-ok. So is mine.

10:56 AM  

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