Friday, October 21, 2005
About Me
- Name: Old Stallion
- Location: RobotTown: Population, You, United States
Once called "Professor Romance", "the Six Day Kid", I strive to engage with the external world with as much sincerity as possible. I quake with interests, opinions, and words, delighting in sentiments, passions and moods.
Is it made for gorillas or from gorillas.
I think it is for Katrina victims. It was the only cereal available at the quickie mart I visited. It tastes like sweeten Kix. The box claims 1% of it's sales goes to gorillas, but I assume some spendecrat puts the money into gorilla programs instead of putting the money back where it belongs: in the wallets of gorillas. When will supporters of big government ever learn? Where is my FEMA money? I hope someone clears all the garbage out of the roads. Who will secure my possessions? What about my water? Is it safe? Who cares. End big government and give money directly to gorillas and their munch
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