Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Secret Mornings of Whole Foods

Howdy my friends. Not to long ago I wrote a story about my once a week social journey to the grocery store. One of the grad students would drive me to Walmart and I would proceed to take part in Hi-Jinks with the fried chicken lady. Well, my friends, these adventures are no more. Now I ride my bike to the much closer Whole Foods. It is about a five mile bike ride to the store, but most of the ride is through campus and the beautiful swan filled Audobon park. I was pretty hesitant to buy groceries without a car. I eat a lot of food, and I could never carry a week’s supply in my back pack. The solution? I ride to the store about three times a week! It’s a great bike ride, its not too hot in the morning, and I just pick up the food that I want to eat the next couple of days. All in all, a very nice way to live.

Whole foods is a fancy place with fancy organic food. Good stuff, but expensive. Anyway this morning my powerful legs exceeded my own already incredible expectations: I arrived at the store toot sweet! The store wasn’t even open yet! I was sort of oblivious to this “not being open” shit, because I didn’t notice the people hovering around the automatic doors that would not automatically open. I just force the door open, grabbed a basket and started shopping.

Inside a manager, a security guard, and the flower arranging lady all yelled at me. “Woah, woah, woah, people. I made a simple mistake. I’ll just wait outside for the store to open.” The flower lady was cool and said I could just sit and wait in the flower section of the store. And so I did. Seated, and surrounded by lovely blossoms I overheard all the secrets of Whole Foods:

On the intercom some guy said “LETS GET READY TO….SELL PROOOOOOODUUUUUCE! Just like a boxing announcer.

The manager kept running around pumping up employees. “Lets get this aisle SPOTLESS! WOOO!---he actually screamed “WOO” a lot. So did the lady employees in response. “WOOO!”

The announcer announced the recent marriage of one of the checkout ladies. The other checkout ladies responded with cries of “WOO!”

I got excited and shouted out “WOO” myself.

Conclusion: I like Whole Foods. It sucks that I can’t afford any meat there except for turkey cold cuts, and I don’t really buy into all the organic food hype. I also don’t like that they won’t carry genetically modified food. I like genetically modified food (I like feats of engineering in general). I do however like how the store pays their employees a good salary. I like how things look clean, and I like how the food products (except for the vegan “meat like” products) actually look like food. No purple ketchup here. The dairy stuff also taste really good. I bet if they sold fried chicken, it would taste awesome.


Blogger casual ninja said...

the professor sets his own hours. when he decides on something, the receiving party just better be ready or pay the consequences. i can speak from experience. argh! no!

12:10 PM  
Blogger Josh Krauter said...

Professor, if you return to fair lady Austin for another beer and comic-fueled visitation, I will take you to the Whole Foods headquarters, located a few blocks from my work. It is nutrageous. It is like Whole Foods times fifty. I blow wads of cash every week eating wild scallops and other wild foods. 7 dollars for a roast beef sandwich? I can't afford it, but I buy it anyway.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Old Stallion said...

I am tempted by "Whole Foods times fifty" and I could use a fill up on beer and comics. We must speak further of this Austin visitation.

12:03 AM  
Blogger acmcs said...

I think you will like this:

2:30 PM  

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