Sunday, May 08, 2005

The apple tree never asks the beech how he shall grow, nor the lion, the horse, how he shall take his prey.

Howdy pals!
The red band of inequity surrounds us all. Did you know that many of your fellow citizens spend their time becoming productive members of society? I did. I even met some productive successful people last night. I met artists, patrons, lawyers, doctors, architects, and others. Many of them thought they were better than me. They are not. While they are all very wealthy and powerful, and display all the symbols of success, most of them have to work very hard for their fortune. Where as I don't work at all. Whose laughing now? "But Professor Sympathy," you ask, "What of all the rich who don't work for their wealth and power?". Fuck em I say. Most of those jerks are bored with their lives, and can only wait for another distraction to lure them from the empty void that haunts their every conscious thought. I, on the other hand, haunt the motherfucking void. People are like, "Dan, you are a great warrior scholar, help us to live better lives" and I am like, "Dogs dogs dogs dog dog dogs" and then they are all, "What the fuck" and I am all, "Yeah, thats right, suck a little harder".

LIstening to: My own smug sense of superiority
Feeling: Pretty damn swank.


Blogger Josh Krauter said...

How is that new album by My Own Smug Sense of Superiority? Is it pretty good? I heard it was good. Is it? Pretty good, I mean?

12:07 AM  

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