Hey everyone.
I’ve been thinking about getting this blog back up to its former glory: A haven for correspondence, a net of coherence. It has been too long since I revealed some of my passion.
Why you ask? Why would Professor Passion clothe his raw emotional butter and hide from the electro-world? Here is why:
1) I play the role of professor in real life now. This is very time consuming and leaves me drained of words.
2) I am involved in philosophy discussions. Some of these are quite enjoyable. Some of these are not. Both leave me tired of wordplay.
Oh but what about all the gags? The WholeFoods? The Fried Chicken? Well, most of my gags now involve petty disagreements between dillweeds, and these gags are as boring as they sound. [At WholeFoods, I did accidentally say, “Get the fuck out of my face” to an eleven year old girl who bumped into me. That had me laughing all day.]
So I have been like a laser. Focused. Burning. Illuminated. All of it. Whenever I have downtime however I get depressed. I get tired of working. I don’t like hanging out with people. I don’t know what to do with myself.
Tonight was like that: I’m all sick of working and I cant think of anything to do. I am hungry. Bored. Lonely.
And then I realized: Warriors don’t get bored or let themselves get pissy. I opened a can a sardines. I ate them. I brewed a cup of coffee. I drank it. I played “Give em Enough Rope” real loud. I read some comic books.
All is good. All is good.