Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A little poem about Spinoza

How much do I love that noble man
More than I could tell with words
I fear though he’ll remain alone
With a holy halo of his own.

-Albert Einstein


I have been watching all of these old NBA games on youtube. You can see pretty much every great performance that some famous player ever did. One the best things I watched was Jordan's fourth game in the NBA. He busted out 45 points and everybody [even his teammates] were walking around with a "what the fuck is going on?" look on their faces. The T.V. announcers took to calling him "Captain Marvel".

Aside from that, there is very little in the cultural soup today that gives me pleasure. I am furious at everything. The coffee girl today mentioned David Lynch doing Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew". She mentioned that this would be an instant classic.I wanted to jump over the counter and beat her counter-culture face in. I want to beat the shit out of the pre-law kids in my class. And I want to tell every asshole taking part in the same conversation that every other asshole is having to shut the fuck up.

I like looking at the ducks and turtles at the city park.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Another False Start?

Hey everyone.
I’ve been thinking about getting this blog back up to its former glory: A haven for correspondence, a net of coherence. It has been too long since I revealed some of my passion.

Why you ask? Why would Professor Passion clothe his raw emotional butter and hide from the electro-world? Here is why:

1) I play the role of professor in real life now. This is very time consuming and leaves me drained of words.
2) I am involved in philosophy discussions. Some of these are quite enjoyable. Some of these are not. Both leave me tired of wordplay.

Oh but what about all the gags? The WholeFoods? The Fried Chicken? Well, most of my gags now involve petty disagreements between dillweeds, and these gags are as boring as they sound. [At WholeFoods, I did accidentally say, “Get the fuck out of my face” to an eleven year old girl who bumped into me. That had me laughing all day.]

So I have been like a laser. Focused. Burning. Illuminated. All of it. Whenever I have downtime however I get depressed. I get tired of working. I don’t like hanging out with people. I don’t know what to do with myself.

Tonight was like that: I’m all sick of working and I cant think of anything to do. I am hungry. Bored. Lonely.

And then I realized: Warriors don’t get bored or let themselves get pissy. I opened a can a sardines. I ate them. I brewed a cup of coffee. I drank it. I played “Give em Enough Rope” real loud. I read some comic books.

All is good. All is good.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Professor Busts a Nut of Rage

Howdy readers,
My lack of posting is due to my lack of internet: I like to write when I am at home not when I am in the office. Today I write from the coffee house of dudes. Every time I am here some jerk ass coffee rock star pisses me off. Either it is something I over hear (for example one dude made me wait at the counter for 5 minutes so he tell another dude about the badass guitar he is going to buy) or it the pissy attitude these coffee dealers give me. I cannot handle having some hippy dude treat me like his bitch because he wears saggy pants and read or heard of Howard Zinn once. My god, it burns me up!

Today I solved this problem. Instead of being polite and getting mocked, I begin my order with a call out to the "Coffee Boy"

"Hey Coffee Boy? I want a double expresso"

I said it nice and friendly, and the guy didn't get upset. He also didn't get uppity.

Sweet Victory and he cant spit in my drink because I watch him prepare it!

The Professor Busts a Nut of Rage

Howdy readers,
My lack of posting is due to my lack of internet: I like to write when I am at home not when I am in the office. Today I write from the coffee house of dudes. Every time I am here some jerk ass coffee rock star pisses me off. Either it is something I over hear (for example one dude made me wait at the counter for 5 minutes so he tell another dude about the badass guitar he is going to buy) or it is straight up the result of the pissy attitude these coffee dealers give me. I cannot handle having some hippy dude treat me like his bitch because he wears saggy pants and read or heard of Howard Zinn once. My god, it burns me up!

Today I solved this problem. Instead of being polite and getting mocked, I begin my order with a call out to the "Coffee Boy"

"Hey Coffee Boy? I want a double expresso"

I said it nice and friendly, and the guy didn't get upset. He also didn't get uppity.

Sweet Victory. and he cant spit in my drink because I watch him prepare it.