Sunday, November 20, 2005

This is why the internet is useful.

In the last post the badassery of Skeletor was challenged. Someone (I'm looking at you, Rockczar) mocked his effeminate voice. Someone else, (Krouchdog) decided to mock Cobra Commander. I, in my great wisdom, remarked that Starscream (a character so awesome no one would even think about joking about) also had a bitch voice.

Today I typed the word, "Starscream" into a google image search. I find out, in less than a second, that the same guy who did the voice for Cobra Commander, did the voice for Starscream! In less than a second all of my inadequate ideas, organized themselves into a compete unity. STARSCREAM SOUNDS LIKE COBRA COMMANDER BECAUSE HE FUCKING IS COBRA COMMANDER!
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! How cheap is my childhood? How did I not know this? How many hours of GI JOE and Transformers did I watch, only to be constantly tricked by crappy illustrations into thinking Starscream and Cobra Commander had distinct voices?
Did the same guy ad lib all of their dialogue? I mean shit! They are the same character once you look past the giant robot fighter jet / helmet guy distinction. They both whine. They both always cheat. They both betray even the bad guys.

All of my life I thought there were two beings to look up too. Starscream and Cobra Commander. Now I find out it is all a lie. There is just some jerk with a pussy voice.


Blogger Josh Krauter said...

I too felt duped when I learned that The Artist Formerly Known as Prince was the same guy as Prince. I immediately burned all my New Edition records.

11:55 AM  

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